Welcome aboard fastjet.com!
Fastjet is a British/South African based low-cost airline that operates in east and southern Africa, which is affordable, reliable and accessible just like Sendeasy bulk SMS platform.
In 2012, Fastjet started their journey to the African skies, reaching over 2,250,000 passengers to some of southern Africa’s most incredible countries. Well done Fastjet!
Fastjet decided to choose SendEasy as a bulk SMS provider due to the professionalism, competitive rates, great service and, high reliability compared to other SMS providers.
Some of the reasons Fastjet uses SendEasy bulk SMS platform:
High reliability – In a stressful environment like an airport you need reliable communication; Fastjet gets reliable and fast bulk messaging from SendEasy. All text messages arrive within 5 minutes and by checking SMS results, you will be able to see if any messages have not been delivered. SMS is a great form of communication as all cell phones can receive an SMS, so you do not need a smartphone. You will receive flight reminders, flight information and possibly a boarding pass – all via SMS for your convenience before your flight.
Higher Open Rate – Fastjet is aware that SMS has a much higher open rate up to 98% read rate, compared to other forms of communication. So with this knowledge Fastjet would like more eyes on their important messages they are sending out!
Cost efficiency – Fastjet is always looking at options to cut expenses. So they can keep their flights as affordable as possible. Fastjet can use SendEasy for all their communication needs by keeping passengers up to date with their flight and ticket information. As much as Fastjet prides themselves for their excellent service a bulk SMS works well if there are any unique situations linked to air travel such as flight delays, take off times as well as getting your boarding pass via a text message! All these options reduce costs and add value to the overall customer experience.
Marketing and Deals: Fastjet is known for their competitive pricing and most people chose their airline based on what they can afford. Affordability is what gets the bums on the seats! Fastjet uses SendEasy for promoting special flights, packages and deals to keep the loyal customer returning to use their services.
SendEasy has a quick setup procedure taking under 5 minutes to set up an account. Process of making your SMS lists can take a bit of time to create but once all set up takes 30 seconds to create a SMS and send it! Time efficiency is important in an aviation company like Fastjet.
A very useful section in SendEasy is the SMS reports in the SMS results tab on main dashboard. This is critical as if a SMS does not deliver to one of passengers getting the right number for that passenger becomes a priority. This section is like an added tool, which adds more value to the Fastjet business.
Lastly the SendEasy team is so quick and efficient if by any chance a problem occurs. They get straight onto a problem and sort it as quickly as possible. A very supportive management team in place!
“SendEasy works like an absolute charm thank you so much – professional and easy to use!” – Hein Keaser – Fastjet General Manager of Marketing and Communications